ECON 256: Poverty, Growth & Inequality

Course Information

Time: 10:00–11:15am Sun, Tues
Location: 0A13

Office: 0D25

Second Half of Semester
Poverty and Inequality
Slides on Poverty
Two Dollars a Day in the US, No American's Under $2 a day, World Bank Monitoring Global Poverty Report
How Poor are Americas Poorest
--> First Half of Semester

Midterm Prep (Midterm scheduled for March 10 in 0B07)

Midterm Guide
Midterm Sample Questions (Will Do In Class) (Answers)
Concepts on Midterm

Lecture Notes & Slides

Growth Rates and Income Differences
Introduction and Cross-Country Income Differences
Slides on Deriving Formulas for Convergence (Notes on Time to Convergence and Excel Example and Japan Catchup)

Population Growth and Malthusian Model
Slides on Population Growth (Roland Slides Fertility Choices)
Excel Sheet of Population Growth
Malthusian Growth Model (Kim Ruhl Slides on Production Functions)

Growth Accounting
Solow Growth Model
Growth Accounting Slides
Notes on How to Do Growth Accounting
Mexican Growth Accounting Example

Structural Change and Endogeneous TFP Growth
Endogeneous TFP Growth
Structural Change
YouTube: China Urbanisation YouTube: China Migration

Misallocation and Development (Simple Two Firm Example of Misallocation)
Zimbabwe Land Reform Clips: Clip 1 Clip 2

Case Studies of Growth and Decline
Case Studies for Korea, China, and Argentina (Economist article on Argentina's National Account Statistics)



Handout for Worksheet on Growth Rates (Solution)
Handout for Worksheet on Solow Growth Model (Solution)

Data Sources