ECO 745: Theory of International Economics

Course Information

Time: 1:15-2:35PM Wed,Fri
Location: BA 214

Office Hours: 3:00-4:00 PM Wed, BA 109B

Class Presentations


Lecture Notes & Slides

Lecture 1 Slides: Ricardian Model (Additional notes on DFS (1979))

Lecture 2 Slides: Tariff Wars and Spillovers in Ricardian Framework (Additional notes on learning-by-doing)

Lecture 3 Slides: Heckscher-Ohlin

Lecture 4 Slides: Dynamic Heckscher-Ohlin and Growth Accounting (Bajona and Kehoe (2010) slides , Tim Kehoe's notes on growth accounting)

Lecture 5 Slides: The Armington Framework and AGE Models

Lecture 6 Slides: Gravity

Lecture 7 Slides: Monopolistic Competition and Increasing Returns

Lecture 8 Slides: Monopolistic Competition with Heterogeneous Firms

Lecture 9 Slides: Heterogeneous Firms in International Trade

Lecture 10 Slides: Zeros and Granularity with Trade (Slides for Good Policy or Good Firms?)

Lecture 11 Slides: Monopolistic Competition with Heterogeneous Markups

Lecture 12 Slides: Multidimensional Ricardian Frameworks: Eaton-Kortum

Lecture 13 Slides: Technology, Geography, and Trade: Eaton-Kortum part 2

Lecture 14 Slides: Welfare in Gravity Models

Lecture 15 Slides: Extensive Margin Empirics (LTP Exercise Example + Notes)

Lecture 16 Slides: Asymmetric Trade Costs and International Income Differences

Lecture 17 Slides: Vertical Specialization in International Trade

Lecture 18 Slides: Distributional Effects of Trade

Lecture 19 Slides: Location Models; Free Trade Agreements


Problem Set 1 (Due Friday, September 18)

Problem Set 2 (Due Friday, Ocotber 9)

Problem Set 3 (Due Friday, November 13)

Data Sources
